During. Before and After Death
During, Before and After Death
Part Two
The State of the Soul
What is Birth and Death?
Questioner: What is birth and death?
number of deaths would affect you in this world. This is because of this right vision (Gnan).
From Death To Immortality Sooner or later, you will have to resolve the issues behind life and death. In reality one does not die nor does one live. This is all just a mistake in one's belief. He believes that he is living, a mortal (jiva), but in reality, he is immortal (Shiva).
Questioner: This world would not function if everyone had this understanding!
Dadashri: Yes, it would not! But then, this is not something that everyone would understand. This entire world is a puzzle. It is very mysterious. It is because this deep mystery has not been understood, that this world is in such a state of chaos.
Who Is Born, Who Dies? The Soul does not take birth nor does it die. The Soul is a permanent entity. This phenomenon of taking birth and dying is of the ego. It is the ego that is born and it is the ego that dies. In reality the Soul does not die at all.
Dadashri: Birth and death do occur, there is no question about it. We all witness its occurrence. Death takes place when all the accounts of karma of a person's life are finished. Whatever account he had bound for the current life, comes to an end and therefore death occurs.
What is Death? Questioner: What is death?
Dadashri: Death is like this: When you sew a shirt, you can say that the shirt is created or born. Death is inevitable to whatever is born. The Soul is free from the bondage of birth and death. It is eternal; it has no death. Anything that is born has to die, and because there is death, there will also be birth. So death is connected to birth. Wherever there is birth there is death.
Question: Why is there death?
Dadashri: Birth and death are events. Every event has an end. The inherent nature of any thing that begins i.e. an event, is that it always comes to an end. Was it not a beginning when you went to school and did that event not come to an end? Everything has a beginning and an end. Do you understand?
Questioner: Yes.
Dadashri: All these things have a beginning and an end. Who is the Knower of this beginning and the end? You (pure Soul) are that Knower.