one who is aware, sleep? He knows that there is a snake there, so what can we do about that?
Therefore, what do the scriptures say? 'You had the knowledge of the snake entering your home and now you will be free only when you attain the knowledge of the snake leaving your home. 'One will continue to be suspicious if he is not aware of the snake leaving and he will not be able to fall asleep. He will toss and turn whole nightlong. He will continue to wonder, 'What if the snake comes here?' What is the snake going to do? What is it going to take out of your pocket?
Questioner: What can it do with things in the pocket? Dadashri: Then what is it going to do? Questioner: It will bite.
Dadashri: For what? Will it be a lawful bite or an unlawful one? There is nothing in this world that is happening that is unlawful, not even for a moment. Everything that happens, happens within the laws of nature. So do not be mistaken. Whatever happens, or has happened, was within the dictates of nature's law. What does our Gnan say? It says, 'Forget about the snake entering the house; it is vyavasthit. Why don't you go to sleep?' Our Gnan will help him sleep without any suspicions.
'We have slept in many such situations because most of four business was in the jungles. A snake would be sleeping where I could see it. When 'we' woke up in the morning 'we' would see the snake sleeping. The snake would sleep and so would 'we'. Where else could that poor snake go in the jungle? Wherever it found a place to sleep, that place would be his. We can at least go to our in-laws for a couple of days but the snake has no in-laws to go to!
That is why 'we' have said 'vyavasthit'. There is 'exactness. Not a grain worth of change can be made.
Passing through every phase 'We have analyzed all these things and this analysis is not of just one life. Can there be so many analyses in just one life? How many analyses can occur in eighty years? This analysis, which is coming forth today, is of many life times.
Questioner: In what way does the analysis of so many past lives, come together now, and present itself?
Dadashri: It is because the veils of ignorance have been destroyed. Knowledge (Gnan) is ready and present within but the veils over it have to be destroyed. The stock of Gnan is already there but it can only manifest if the veils of ignorance over it are destroyed.
I have discovered the knowledge (Gnan) of all phases. I have gone through all the phases and have brought about an ‘end' to all those phases. Thereafter this Gnan manifested.
How many phases does the moon have? There are fifteen phases. Those fifteen phases have influenced the world since time immemorial. When people say it is the second day of the moon, they are referring to the same old moon. Then they will say it is the moon of the third day, or half moon, or full moon. If the moon itself were to say, 'I am the third lunar moon. I am the third lunar moon, people would comment, 'Why do you say you are the third lunar moon? Are you not going to change tomorrow?' The moon is one and the same all along. Its phases will change as the days go by. But people question even this, 'Is it the second or the third lunar moon today? No it can't be the third, it must be the second!' And someone else will say, 'It is the third.' People have doubts even over such things. Does one even have to go looking for suspicions and doubts?
This is why people are miserable. Suspicion is the very cause of their misery. That is why I am asking you to understand what I am saying. You need to understand all the phases. Every