Entanglements of the Worldly Life
Questioner: In worldly interactions (vyavahar) when karmic tubers sprout, some sprout so heavily that it becomes very difficult to find a solution.
Dadashri: These five sentences of 'Ours,' the Five Agnas, are such that they will eventually bring a solution/closure (samadhan) for you. Otherwise, there is no other way to find a solution/closure. That verily is why this world is a mysterious puzzle. "The world is the puzzle itself." It can never be solved. The whole day one is entangled in the worldly life, so how can you progress spiritually? Puzzles will keep arising. They arise the moment you meet someone.
Questioner: As one puzzle ends, another one is poised, waiting with its mouth open.
Dadashri: Yes, this worldly life is a museum of puzzles. But if you realize who you really are, then your salvation is there! Otherwise, this puzzle is there for you to drown in. All the suffering really belongs to another entity, the non-Self (the relativeself). Realizing even this much is experiential knowledge (anubhav gnan). That experience is, "This suffering is not mine, it is of the non-Self; even then there is salvation.
The Amazing Web of the Doer Within
There are all kinds of 'k's within you. 'K' means *karavnara,' - the one that makes you do. The lobhak makes you greedy: mohak causes you to have moha, illusionary attachment; krodhak makes you angry; chetak makes you
cautious. Mohak is the one who casts the illusion over You, even when you do not want to.
Questioner: The mind shows me, 'Why bother with all this and create more problems? Why should I think about whether something is binding me or not?
Dadashri: No, such a thought will come even when you do not think about it. The 'k' within (karavnara, the one within that makes you do) will make you do it. It will continue to entangle you. This world is such that it is not worth thinking about anybody. Yet when such thoughts arise, what can you do? You have to take a beating. This world is not for worrying about others. This world is for you to make a safe side for yourself.
Questioner: Now how can I get rid of this intellectual interference (panchat) in the affairs of others that has taken hold in my mind?
Dadashri: You have to recognize whether it is your "paternal relative' or an enemy, whether it is a friend or a foe. When you understand that it is your enemy, then you will not entertain it. Compassion and Equanimity of the Gnani Purush
Questioner: But it intellectual interference, panchat) is stuck in my head so strongly that it will not go away.
Dadashri: Just look! I can see how much reverence you have for me. I recognize that very well. Nevertheless, some day the mind will show you 'Dada is like this' (it will show negative things about Dada).
Questioner: Oh yes, I even cursed Dada; not Dada but Ambalal Patel!
Dadashri: I am aware of all that, even sitting here at home-how that 'k' (karavnara), the one within that makes you do, entraps you and makes you do it (karavdave) and