The other person is not at fault in any instance; how can he be at fault? He believes that happiness is verily in the worldly life and for him that is the fact. Now if we try to convince him that his belief is wrong, then it is our mistake. There is some mistake and deficiency within us somewhere. I have seen this through my own experience. As long as I was experiencing those results within, those effects were experienced by others too. When it stopped being there in the mind, when all doubts (shanka) left, then everything else, the reaction in others, left too.
I have climbed those 'steps.' I have experienced all that. Whatever you say, I have seen all those steps. I have seen all that and, therefore, I can show you the path. The Gnanknowledge that I give to you is the knowledge that is based from my own experience of the 'steps' that I have taken. I am showing you the same path from which I have gained experience. There is no other way, is there?
Before, prior to Self-realization, whenever an unhappy (dukh) thought arose, 'we' would somehow manage to find, even to our detriment, a way of replacing it with a 'happy' (sukh) thought or a happy idea. When worries arise, one goes off to watch a movie or do something else. One allays, or temporarily holds in abeyance, the suffering (dukh) even at the expense of another person. He will try and push away that misery. After Gnan, however, he does not push away that misery at the expense of anyone else. Therefore, he has to endure a lot of suffering (internal penance); that has been my experience. I too have experienced this because I would not show the mind any new thing (paryaya) for my own happiness at the expense of another's misery.
And what does the world do? They get involved in other things in order to get rid of their pain. Any misery and they cash in on it. How big a stock is there within? 'We' are saying that you should go ahead and endure the suffering; do not spend
your 'cash' (spiritual energies) by substituting the suffering (the naturally presenting penance) with another source of pleasure. Keep the spiritual energies intact.
People resort to instant medicine when they have to endure any pain or suffering. Hey you! You are actually increasing your (karmic) liability and the problem. Suffering does not go away by pushing it aside or doing something different to alleviate it. If you 'see' the suffering with the experience of Gnan, you will decrease the liability. Pain and suffering does not go away if it is pushed away. On the contrary, it will increase, and the original amount remains to be faced. The one who overcomes one episode of suffering (one event of dukh), will overcome countless suffering. He becomes a 'bandit,' that is to say he becomes fearless in the face of suffering. I too have overcome countless suffering and hence I have become a 'bandit'!