(indriya pratyaksh) effort and he has absolutely no idea about the Self which is beyond the senses (atiindriya pratyaksh).
Four types of meditations Of the four types of dhyans (meditations), humans are constantly preoccupied with only one. What dhyan are you in now?
Questioner: The dhyan of 'I am Shuddhatma.'
Dadashri : That is awareness (laksha). Dhyan can only be done when one becomes the dhyata, the Self. Here in Akram Vignan, we have passed through all the stages of dhyans, dhyata (relative meditator) and dhyeya (worldly goals), have passed the eight stages of yoga and attained awareness of, 'I am the Soul.' Here, one remains as the knower-seer (gnata-drashta) and in eternal bliss (parmanand) in every situation.
If someone comes along and tells you, "Get up now and come and have your dinner", and you remain the knower-seer and in eternal bliss, but when you go down there, someone else tells you, "You can't dine here", here again if you remain in your Self as the knower-seer and in bliss, then it is called shukladhyan.
Unnecessary arguments, adulterating goods and shortchanging customers in business is raudradhyan. Waiting for customers to come to your business is artadhyan. If a person is preoccupied waiting impatiently for customers, he is in artadhyan.
On the one side Lord Mahavir has given us the 45 Agams and on the other he has given us simply four words; both carry the same weight. The precise understanding of these four words is the same as having understood the 45 Agams. What are these four words? They are raudradhyan, artadhyan, dharmadhyan, and shukladhyan.
What is this world like? If someone is meant to be your
customer, he will buy from you even when you charge him sixteen and a half Rupees instead of the sixteen and if he is not, then even if you charge him fifteen, he will not buy from you. Have this much faith!
To worry about your own well-being is artadhyan. It is also artadhyan to have worries about your daughter and how you will cope with the expenses of her marriage when you have no money. She is still young and to worry about the future is artadhyan
If someone you do not like comes to live with you for a few days, you will think, 'I wish he would leave. Why did he have to come to my home?' Such internal bhaav (dhyan) is artadhyan and if you say, "He is a worthless person" that is raudradhyan. You are in artadhyan and raudradhyan.
If you have to make rice pudding from pure milk, you should put sugar in it, not salt. Putting sugar in pure milk is dharmadhyan. Dharmadhyan is to have the understanding that all miseries that come your way are due to your own karma and mistakes.
When one has learnt the four words of Lord Mahavir, then he has accomplished the study of the 45 Agams.
The true dharmadhyan of the vitarag Lords, will destroy all conflicts.
What is dharmadhyan? It is to have no negative bhaav (feeling) towards anyone who causes you harm and to take the support of Gnan that tells you, "I encountered this person as a result of my karma." Dharmadhyan is to bless the one who insults you in front of a large crowd and to forget the incident. The Lord has said it is dharmadhyan if you feel indifference towards insults and not remember them. But alas there are people who will not forget an insult till they die.
A person with dharmadhyan is considered to be shresthi