The Law of 'no laws' Many people ask me, "Dada, why don't you open an ashram?" However a Gnani Purush would not take on the tedious task of starting an ashram. He would do satsang wherever he finds a room. He would even do satsang under a tree. In an ashram, one need rules, kitchen, toilets etc. and then the worldly complications return. So why would 'we' take on such a problem?
People eat and sleep in an ashram just as they do in their own homes. Some stay in the ashram to do just that. 'We do not have an ashram. 'We are the owners of the whole universe and so all the towns are ours wherever 'we'go, are they not?
There are no laws in our' satsangs. Here there is a 'nolaw law. Akram means there are no laws. If there is a group of people with no laws in this world, it is the group of Dada's followers. They do not have any laws. The rest of the people in the world cannot live without laws. The one living without laws goes to moksha. In the absence of laws, one becomes sahaj (natural and spontaneous) and in the presence of laws, he becomes asahaj (unnatural).
becomes restless and agitated all day.
The mind is such that it will develop a dislike towards anything that becomes in excess. So then, how can you control such a thing? When one tries to control and limit things they like, then the chit inevitably wanders there only. Such is the nature of the chit.
If you tell a child, "Do not touch this", his chit will remain stuck only there and he will not want anything else you give him. So, give children what they want. They are not going to take more than what they are meant to, according to the laws of vyavasthit. How much are they likely to take outside of vyavasthit?
We do not have rules here. Rules mean semi-control. If someone here says, "Why are you late? Come at four o'clock sharp. " the mind feels controlled, and therefore it will become damaged and spoilt. How free is the mind in the absence of any control? When there was a control over the production of cement, the price of cement went up to 32 rupees! After 1942, when rationing came into effect, people's minds became spoilt.
'We do not scold anyone. We do not say, "Why did you bring this?" or "Why did you do this?" 'We have made it so that no one will be scolded. 'We have imposed the rule of a no-law law. If a person were cooking with the cooking pot upside down, 'we' would not say anything to them! They will learn from their experience, will they not? One day, this world will have to get rid of all the rules and the laws. 'We are the first one to do something about not having laws. 'We' will tell the Government to come and see how our management runs without any laws. How smoothly does our ten-day gathering of 100 people in Aurangabad runs without any laws? We eat, we drink tea and we have snacks! Elsewhere there are so many rules. This company of ours is a company of people who have no laws.
An excess or abundance of anything makes one lose interest in it. Also where there is a control or restriction of something, when it is rare one's chit will go there repeatedly. The chit will be preoccupied with sugar and when and how to get it, if it were to be rationed. Control is such a thing that it makes the mind restless. That is why 'we' say to decontrol everything, take away all laws that control. Elsewhere people are preoccupied with trying to control their mind, which is precisely why the mind