When self becomes the Self, prakruti becomes
natural In this day and age, it is not possible to make the prakruti natural (sahaj) and that is why 'we' give the Self which is natural and along with that we give you knowledge of how to attain the natural state of prakruti. Then all that remains is to make the prakruti natural. Once the self (worldly self) comes to its natural and rightful state, the Self, then the prakruti will follow suit. This is the way it is in this current era of this time cycle.
Does this rose flower have to deal with anything (do nikal, deal with karma)? No, it is in its natural state. Human beings have become unnatural. Everything is in its innate natural state, including the Self. Only the prakruti of human beings has become unnatural and that is why the worldly self appears unnatural. When the relative self becomes unnatural, so will the prakruti. Therefore, the self (Chandulal) has to become natural (the Self, then the prakruti (non-self) too will become natural
When the prakruti signals that it wants to sleep, one forces himself to stay awake. You fool, why don't you become natural and spontaneous? To become natural means to act according to what the prakruti tells you. Prakruti does not indulge in the pleasures of the senses (vishayee), if it did, we would see this in the animals too. Indulgence in sense pleasure is an unnatural characteristic (vikrut) that human beings have acquired. Prakruti is in a natural state; it needs simple food to eat, it does not ask for elaborate foods. It asks for a simple meal of rice and lentils, it does not ask for dhokla (sour and sweet taste). It wants a balance of all the six tastes or flavors (a balanced intake) and it can obtain them naturally, but the human prakruti will start asking for gourmet meals. There is nothing wrong in the natural (sahaj) state, but it is in the unnatural state. Gnani Purush remains in his natural state and lets the prakruti remain in its natural state.
The home is a garden of prakrutis
Everything that happens in this world is due to the attributes of the prakruti and not the Soul. Therefore it is important for all to become familiar with the properties of the prakruti. The faults within the prakruti see faults in others. The Self has only to observe the properties of the prakruti. This prevents worsening of faults within the prakruti.
'We have thousands of mahatmas around 'us' and yet why is that there a wonderful relationship with all? It is because all the different prakrutis are known. 'We do not touch their "thors' (negatives); 'wejust look at the 'flower' (positives)!
If the plumeria flower were to point out faults in the rose by saying, "You have thoms", the rose flower would reply, "You look like nothing" and so there would be quarrels. If these different prakrutis could talk, the whole garden would be full of quarrels. In the same way, this worldly life is like a garden. Here in humans, the prakruti is able to speak and that is why everyone points out faults in each other and starts quarrelling
There are innumerable varieties of human prakrutis. During the golden ages of the past time cycle, everyone's prakruti in a given household would be like a rose (beautiful and gentle), all the prakrutis would be similar, but in this age of Kaliyug, under one roof you will find one jasmine, one rose, one sunflower etc., so many different varieties have come together All different kinds of prakrutis gather; the young and the old all come together. A father wants all his children to be 'roses, like him. And if one of the children turns out to be a plumeria, the father will say, "This will not do." You foolish man, just look at this garden of prakruti! If all of them were roses' like you, how could you call it a garden? It would be a rose farm. Do you want to grow a garden or a farm?
In the present time cycle of Kaliyug, parents may be tightfisted and the children may be extravagant. Parents complain