it to yourself but why are you preaching it to others? Let people make some spiritual progress. Countless chovisis (the cycle of twenty-four tirthankaras) have come and gone. Idols have been around for ages because where else would people of the elementary religious standard go? Idols are meant for those in the primary standards of religion not for those seeking knowledge of the reality (the Self). The idol facilitates focusing of the chit These idols are those of the vitarag Lords and people accept them as such. In addition to that, there is tremendous protection of these idols and their influence by the celestial beings of the vitarag Lords. So no one should point fingers at idols. The idols have become the established visible representation of the vitarag Lords. Even if someone were to merely utter the name of Lord Mahavir, it would be enough, because it is the name of the Vitarag Lord. Is it better to utter the name of the vitarag Lord or the name of some ordinary person? Along with uttering the name of the Lord, one must also have the awareness of what the Lord is and what His qualities and attributes are.
One acharya worked towards establishing the importance of a guru simply because people were becoming increasingly dependant only on idols. The importance of a guru was declining in people's mind along with the negative effect of the changing time cycle. He conceded that idols were important because they helped people attain focus in their meditation but a guru was also necessary. But instead, people have now completely done away with idols and new paths of devotion to only the guru have been established
How can one make disparaging remarks like, "Here goes the procession of the inanimate idols?" Are such comments appropriate? How can ridiculing the idols for which people have tremendous reverence be appropriate? Nevertheless, the idols will have to be put aside in order to gain awareness of the importance of a guru. However idols are correct for those who have not yet been able to have a positive focus on anything in
life. Where else can those who have not known the formless, not seen the formless, and not heard the formless, and not even aware of the existence of the formless, go? Where will they go, Maharaj?
Maharaj you are calling this idol inanimate, so show me the animate (chetan) that you have seen. Have you seen the chetan that you are calling the idol inanimate? You yourself are inanimate; a mechanical soul!
The maharaj replied, "But the Guru is chetan, is he not?"
'We' said, "No. Everything that is seen, heard and experienced through the five senses is nothing but inanimate. The Navkar Mantra you recite has a form too. People have tremendous faith and feelings for the idol of the vitarag Lords, so do not look upon it with abhorrence."
"But our principle does not believe in idols!" said the maharaj.
'We' said, "Maharaj, think a little. If what 'We are telling you is wrong, then 'We will accept it as such. If you feel offended or hurt, then 'We' will do your pratikraman (apology), but at least think a little! Let the people of the primary standard be and you do what suits you. One is a true Sthanakvasi only when he has established the visual form of the Lord in between the eyebrows (the location of the subtle mind); when a mental image has been established."
The Maharaj said, "I am not able to accept what you are saying
'We' said, "Maharaj, how can you believe what 'We are saying? 'We are even willing to accept that you find what 'We' are saying is wrong, because a person believes whatever he does as being the right thing. A butcher cannot see any sin in what he does, because whatever actions a doer does, they invariably create a veil (avaran) over the act itself, in the doer: