Dharma Dharma dhyan Dhoti
Farajiyat Gachha
Gaaddha samkit
Dhyan Dhyeya Digambari
Ghaat Ghee Gnan Gnan Vidhi
Gnanakar Gnan avaran Gnanendriya Gnani Gnani Purush
Discourses Divyachakshu Doli
religion True nature of a thing: moral duty Righteous or true meditation Traditional men's white cotton or linen garment wrapped around the waist and tucked in One's attention or inner intent Goal Lit. 'sky-clad' or 'naked the sect of Jains who believe nothing besides the atma merits owning and hence they do not believe in rituals or idols Diksha; Initiation into monk hood; Renounce worldly life Pravachans Divine eyes; vision of the Self A man held carrier made especially for transporting debilitated people Adverse meditation Worship through offerings, rituals of worship Misuse of speech Current time cycle characterized by a progressive decline in morality and spirituality Dualism Duality Beyond all dualities Cycle of moral deterioration and decreased purity Abhorrence Focused attention Narrow-minded perspective Destined for only one more life before final liberation Concentrated and focused in only one
place Mandatory A group with the same opinion and agenda Absolute conviction that I am pure Soul Death Clarified butter Enlightenment Scientific experiment (process) to impart Self-realization Remain as the knower Knowledge covering veils Five senses The Awakened One: Self-realized One who has realized the Self and is able to do the same for others. The Enlightened One. The knower Object or thing to be known Become one with what he sees Entanglement Entanglement Female cow-herds who were very devoted to Lord Krishna planet Properties: Attributes intrinsic properties that have a specific function Spiritual level Spiritual stage swans Practicing with ego Beneficial to others Karmic debt
Durdhyan Dravya puja
Durvyaya Dushamkaal
Gnata Gneya Gneyakar Goonch Goonchaman Gopis
Dwaita Dwandva Dwandvatita Dwaparyug
Graha Guna Gunadharma
Dwesh Ekagrata Ekantik Ekavtari
Gunasthanak Gunthanu Hansa Hathayoga Hiit Hisaab