exactly true. The Jains insist that the Self is the doer and the sufferer but that is not a fact either. In reality, there should be no insistence of any viewpoint. Atma is dwaitadwaita i.e. it is neither dwaita nor adwaita. You say there is moksha through adwaita, but you cannot get rid of even a single vikalp (original wrong belief is, 'Tam Chandulal,' and everything that follows are vikalps) because you have not gone beyond dwaita. Those who believe in adwaita will have to go beyond dwaita and those who believe in dwaita will have to go beyond adwaita; that is when one becomes dwaita-adwaita. One will have to have both the wings, dwaita as well as adwaita, only then will he be able to fly. You cannot fly with just one wing. The Lord's speech is syadvad (acceptable to all, and absolutely non-violent); it hurts no living being in the slightest. What is the state where dwaitadwaita can be together? In the home department, as the Self, 'we' are adwaita and in the matters of the foreign department, the non-Self, 'we' are dwaita, and that is how 'we' are dwaitadwaita. As long as this body exists, as long as there is some worldly expectation, there is a state of dwaitadwaita. If there were no worldly expectations, then there would be no need even for the state of dwaitadwaita.
You will not get rid of a single vikalp (wrong belief) by believing that moksha is attainable only through dwaita or only through adwaita. People have been wandering around life after life because of this adwaita; no one has been able to go beyond this vikalp of adwaita. People have started all kinds of 'shops (religious sects and beliefs) such as adwaita, dwaita, Vishishtadwaita, Shuddhadwaita etc. Their gurus and the gurus of their gurus are all wandering around. Only a Gnani Purush would not start a shop because he is dwaitadwaita. As long as the Soul has not gone to moksha, what is it like? It is dwaitadwaita. If you ask an adwaita person, "Who are you?" He will say, "I am such and such Acharya." These are just people who call themselves Acharyas and have opened up
shops. You cannot have the words 'dwaita' or 'adwaita' on their own anywhere. People do not even understand the meaning of these words and yet they have opened 'shops' under these headings. As long as there is a body, the pure Soul is dwaitadwaita. No one can become only adwaita. Adwaita is a Vikalp and its existence is based upon dwaita. The vitarag Lords were marvelous beings. To quarrel and argue with others, in order to protect adwaita when one is immersed in the ocean of adwaita, is in itself dualism. To enter into a debate for the protection of adwaita, is itself dwaita.
The Lord considers adwaita to be a 'widower' and dwaita to be 'married'. The Lord is dwaitadwaita. You will find a solution only when you become dwandvatita (beyond all dualities). The process of the worldly life will not leave anyone alone. It gave a very hard time to the Pandavs. Sitaji, Lord Rama's wife was abducted even when they were living in the forest. That is how this world is.
Vitarags say, "This is Chandulal and he is also not Chandulal." There is existence and there is nonexistence - it is and it is not! He is Chandulal if he is not Self-realized, and he is not Chandulal if he is Self-realized.
The world is ekantik (one track minded): people in it decide on something and stick to their view points. Gnani Purush is anekantik, not partial to any viewpoint, hence accepts all view points, and thus stands out amongst all in the world.
A poison does not have just one quality or attribute and neither does nectar. They have dual qualities, therefore one should not say only one thing about anyone. One should not say, "This doctor is bad" or "All doctors are good." One should be aware that things differ from different perspectives. There are also many good qualities to 'poisons'; if taken within certain limits they can also cure diseases and if taken beyond that limit they can kill