renunciation are relative; they are worldly or temporary efforts, and in the relative world, no one has the power to do anything 'We are disclosing to you the ultimate and the final reality and that is: 'Whether you do chanting or penance, whether you renounce or become an ascetic, whatever you do, you are merely a top i.e. spinning toy. As long as you have not attained the realization of the Self, everything you do is really the doing of the prakruti, which is why you are nothing but a top!'
if this home were to burn down, 'we' would not be affected. Everything is natural. If someone were to take away 'our' dinner plate, 'we' would tell him that 'we' have not eaten anything since the morning and would request him to leave the plate alone, but if despite this he does not listen, 'we' would not object. It is not parigraha to ask for something. 'We' may be a Gnani but 'we' still have to ask for things. Gnani does not have any attraction for a plate of food. The end can only be in sight if one becomes aparigrahi amidst all these parigraha; only then will he attain the bliss of the Self. But today people have ventured on the wrong path and yet they are not at fault: everything is dependant upon the effect of the current time cycle. 'We do not see anyone as being at fault. The one within, is absolutely the pure vitarag Lord. This science is an absolute wonder: The knowledge of Akram Vignan has manifested within and it is an unprecedented victory
After attaining this Gnan, if someone were to give you a 'bitter medicine (insult you), it hurts your feelings. However, if during that time if you became still in the awareness of Gnan and observe the inner turmoil, that is what the Lord has called penance of Gnan. The different phases of the worldly life are natural occurrences, what is there to become agitated in that?
The Lord has said that even if a person does not have Gnan, but has awareness, it too would suffice. However, He has not said that it is acceptable for one not to have awareness. The penance with Gnan only occurs after one attains the awareness of the Self. The Lord has forbidden us to become 'abnormal'in making an effort, but he has also forbidden the abnormality of not making the effort! He has said for us to come into normality in all different aspects. Anything done in abnormality, the Lord has called it Vishay; worldly obsession.
Nature ie prakruti makes you do penance and renunciation but you believe, 'I am doing penance. All these penance and