He sacrificed his kingdom and was exiled for fourteen years in the forest. His misery of one day in the forest is equivalent to an entire life's misery of these people. And yet these people do nothing but complain about their imagined sufferings!
Pain and pleasure are like invited guests. Instead of pushing them away, one has to receive them as one would welcome an invited guest. The worldly life is an ocean of misery One should not be afraid of carrying out the worldly interactions (vyavahar). If you do not like to be ill-treated and want to close the book of your karmic account, then think before you ill-treat others, think about the consequences and whether you will be able to face them when they return to you.
There are three kinds of painful suffering. Physical suffering is called 'kasht'; it is direct and real suffering. Toothaches, eye aches, paralysis etc. are all bodily pains. The hurt suffered from harsh words is a 'ghaa'. It will never leave. And the third suffering is of the mind, which is called 'dookha'. We should no longer have the effect of pain due to the mind or speech. We will have an effect from bodily pain and this has to be suffered. But you should suffer it by remaining as the Self, the knower and the seer of the suffering. You should not have suffering of the mind and speech. When a tax officer tells you that you have to pay so much tax, it is just a record that is speaking and therefore it should not hurt you.
When someone has a heart attack, he has severe chest pain. Upon hearing this if one starts thinking, what if I have a heart attack, then he is inviting and increasing mental pain. Instead one should tell such thoughts to, "Get lost." This body will leave when it is time for it to do so. Is that not dependent on vyavasthit? Then why create unnecessary misery with such thoughts? Just become an observer of all the ailments of the body and if you have none, why not remain in worldly fun? Or keep singing, "I will never tire of saying Dada Dada Dada!"
The Lord had said for us to only accept bodily pain as pain, all other pain is not real pain. Why do the animals not have any other pain? It is because their mind is limited. If you take them food, they will come running to you because they know they will get something to eat. If you take a stick, they will run away. That is all there is to their minds. Do they worry about anything else besides that? The minds of these cows do not wander and therefore they do not have problems or miseries of the mind and yet their worldly life is just like ours. They are not intelligent and yet their world goes on. So why would yours not go on too? Your mind has higher revolutions than the cow, so why don't you take advantage of that? Why does this revolving mind become a problem? Dismiss any thoughts of pain, or at worst, do not accept them.
We have bodily pains just as these cows and buffalos have but they do not have problems associated with pains of speech. They do not have any problems when you swear at them because their mind and their intellect are limited. These 'extra' pains in human beings should be dismissed. Do the cows and buffalos have worries about getting their children married?
If you see a scorpion enter your home in the light, you will continue to be scared. But if it enters in the dark and you do not see it entering your home, then you will not be scared. You can dim a full light (intellect) but you cannot make a dim light full. If the life of cows and water buffalos goes on, would yours not do the same? Even the life of those who have no awareness goes on. The whole world goes on, so why don't you let go?
What is considered suffering after 'we give you Gnan? It is that which touches the body and not the clothes. Some people are bothered when someone touches their clothes. If you are on your way to a wedding and someone spits on your clothes, you will complain, "He spit on me!" so 'we' would say, "Yes, it is true that he spit on you. But that is not your suffering, because