TRASKAAY The tras livingbeings can be divided into four sections.
Tribal names
1) Beindriya.
2) Teindriya.
NAARKI Names of seven kinds of earth 1) Ratnaprabha 2) Sharkaraprabha 3) Valukaprabha 7 paryapta + 4) Pankprabha
7 aparyapta 5) Dhoomprabha 14 types. 6) Tamahprabha 7) Mahatamahprabha
Dhamma Vansha Shaila Anjana Rishta Magha Maaghvati
3) Chaurindriya. 4) Panchendriya. • Beindriya, Teindriya and Chaurindriya are collectively
called Vikalendriya. 1) BEINDRIYA . Livingbeings who possess two sense
organs - skin and tongue- are called Beindriya. For e.g. bellyworms, woodworms, conch, seashells, worms
produced in the food of the previous day, etc. 2) TEINDRIYA - Livingbeings who possess three sense
organs - skin, tongue, and nose - are called Teindriya. For e.g. ants, ial (a kind of worm), louse, bug, centipede, gingoda (worms produced in the bodies of dogs) etc.
Beneath our earth there are naraks (hells). Causes of binding narkaayushya (life of hell) are as follows. developing and running big industries, hoardings of great wealth, violent thoughts, killing panchendriya livingbeings, meat-eating etc. In hell, livingbeings endure terrible pains of heat, cold, thirst, hunger, disease, burning sensation, grief, fright etc.
They are of three types
3) CHAURINDRIYA - Livingbeings who possess four
sense organs - skin, tongue, nose, eyes - are called Chaurindriya. For e.g. scorpion, locust, wasp, honeybee, fly, mosquito etc.
(3 Paryapta + 3 Aparyapta = Totally 6 Types. PANCHENDRIYA CAN BE DIVIDED INTO FOUR TYPES
1) Jalchar
2) Sthalchar
3) Khechar
Naarki (Infernalbeings)
Tiryanch (Animatebeings)
1) Chatushpad 2) Urahparisarp 3) Bhujparisarp. • JALCHAR - Livingbeings dwelling in water are called
Jalchar. For e.g. fish, crocodile etc. • STHALCHAR - Livingbeings dwelling on land are called
Sthalchar. • KHECHAR - Livingbeings who fly in the sky are called
Khechar. For e.g. pigeon, sparrow, parrot, peacock etc.
Manushya (Humanbeings)
Dev (Celestialbeings)