12) DHARMA BHAVANA (religion) - Thinking that in this
world, happiness is gained only by practising Jainism. The sun, the moon etc. also arise and enlighten this world due to the glory of Janism. Fourteen rajloks are standing in the infinite alok (universe in which livingbeings can't dwell) without any support due to the glory of Jainism.
of Lord Mahaveer with five vows, they have this
type of ascetism. c) When a principle virtue of a saint is broken his
past ascetic years are cut-off as a punishment and is newly given the vows. He has this type
of ascetism. 3) PARIHAARVISHUDDHI:- It's a type of ascetism in
which purity is attained by performing a special type of penance. There is a group of nine in it. 4 Nirvishmanaks - penance practisioners 4 Anucharaks - servers. 1 Vachnacharya orator of recensions.
minimum middle maximum Summer
1 fast 2 fasts 3 fasts Winter
2 fasts 3 fasts 4 fasts Rainy
3 fasts 4 fasts 5 fasts
CHARITRA (ASCETISM) 5 1) SAMAAYIK - Sam = knowledge, faith and conduct,
Aay = gain. A religious activity by which knowledge, faith and conduct are gained is called samaayik. All the sinful yogas (activities) are totally given up in this samaayik. Samaayik of 48 mins. practised by shravakas, paushadhs (living a life similar to ascetic life for a temporary period) practised by shravakas and the ascetism practised by the saints of first and last tirthankars from small diksha till big diksha are called Itvarkathik (temporary) Samaayik Charitra and the ascetism practised by the saints of twentytwo tirthankars from diksha till death is called Yavatkathik
(permanent) Samaayik Charitra. 2) CHHEDOPASTHAPNIYA CHARITRA :- The type of
ascetism in which past ascetic years are cut off and the great vows are newly given is called Chhedopasthapniya Charitra. a) Saints of first and last tirthankars possess this
type of ascetism after their bigdiksha. b) When the saints of Lord Parshva give up the
shashan with four vows and accept the shashan
They break the fast with an ayambil (eating boiled food once in a day). The servers do ayambil everyday.
This is continued for six months. After that the servers practise penance, the penance-practisioners become servers and the vachanacharya delivers recensions. This is continued for another six months. After that the vachanacharya practises penance, one person becomes vachanacharya, the rest become servers. This is continued for another six months. In this way, this type of ascetism is completed in eighteen months. After that they may again accept this type or accept Jinkalp (perfect ascetism) or enter the gutch.