shouldn't desire precious clothes, but should wear wornout clothes. ARATI (tedium) - One shouldn't be disgusted if adversities come in ascetic life, but should be absorbed in good emotions and shoudn't desire to give up monkhood. STRI (woman) - Woman is an obstacle in the ascetic life. So, one shouldn't even glance at her affectionately, shouldn't view her bodyparts, shouldn't think
about her, shouldn't become her subordinate. 9) CHARYA (migration) - One shoudn't stay in one
place for a long period but should migrate from place to place, should practise ninefold migration, shouldn't
be disgusted while migration. 10) NAISHEDHIKISTHAN (solitary place) - One should
stay in emptyhouses, in burial places etc. or should stay in places devoid of women, eunuchs, animals etc. One shouldn't be agitated even if he receives an
adverse place. 11) SHAYYA (place for sleeping). One shouldn't be
agitated if he gets adverse place with ups and downs for sleeping and shouldn't be happy if he gets
favourable place for sleeping. 12) AAKROSH (anger) :- If someone speaks harsh words
one shouldn't hate him, but should regard him as an
obliger. 13) VADH (killing) - If someone kills, even then one
shouldn't hate him and shouldn't have bad thoughts
in mind. 14) YACHANA (request) :- One shouldn't feel ashame
to request for food, water, clothes etc. 15) ALABH (lack of gain) :- If one doesn't get a particular
Nav-TATIVA thing even after requesting for it then he shouldn't be agitated but should take it as a fruit of labhantaraya
karma (karma causing obstacles in gains). 16) ROG (disease):- A sthavirkalpi saint, when diseased,
practises faultless treatments, in accordance with the system described in scriptures to cure it and if it isn't cured, even then he remains tranquil and takes it as
a fruit of karma. 17) TRUN (grass) :- While sleeping on grass- santhara
if its edges pierce the body or while sleeping on a woolen-santhara if it itches, even then one shouldn't
be agitated. 18) MAL (dirt) - One shouldn't dislike dirty body or dirty
clothes, and shouldn't try to clean them. 19) SATKAAR (honour) - If one gets honour in the
society he shouldn't feel happy and if he doesn't get
it, he shouldn't be agitated. 20) PRAGNA (intellect) - If one is very intelligent or
scholar and people praise him very much, he shouldn't be proud listening to it, but he should think that many great scholars many times more intelligent than me have been in the past. In comparision to their ocean of knowledge my knowledge is not more than a
droplet. 21) AGNAN (Ignorance) :- If one is dull or ignorant he
shouldn't be agitated, but taking it as a fruit of gnanavarniya karma he should get absorbed in ascetic
activities. 22) SAMYAKTVA (faith) :- One shouldn't loose his faith in
Jainism even if he has to face adversities or hindrances, or if he doesn't understand deep meanings of scriptures or even if he views magic in other religions.