NAV-TATIVA Paraghat, Shvashochhvaas, Jin, Nirman, Agurulaghu, Tras, Badar, Paryapta, Pratyek, Sthir, Shubh, Subhag, Susvar, Aadey, Yash.
9) CAUSE :- Jeev is not a cause, rest are causes. A
substance helpful in the work of others is called
cause. 10) CREATOR :- Jeev is creator, rest aren't creators. 11) WIDESPREAD :- Sky is widespread everywhere.
Rest are seen in limited spaces. 12) PENETRATION (changeable) - No substance can be
changed into another substance. So, all are unchangeable.
[4] PAAP Karma which gives bad fruits is called Paap.
| Causes of binding Paap
[3] PUNYA Karma which gives good fruits is called Punya. Causes of Binding Punya :-)
1) Gifting food to the proper. 2) Gifting water to the proper. 3) Gifting place to dwell to the proper.
Gifting place to sleep to the proper. 5) Gifting clothes to the proper.
Good mental activities. 7) Good vocal activities. 8) Good physical activities 9) Worship of God and gurudev.
1) Pranatipaat (killing) 2) Mrishavaad (telling lie) 3) Adattadaan (theft) 4) Maithun (sexual intercourse) 5) Parigrah (collection of wealth) 6) Krodh (anger) 7) Maan (pride) 8) Maaya (deciet) 9) Lobh (greed) 10) Raag (affection) 11) Dvesh (hatred) 12) Kalah (quarrel) 13) Abhyakhyan (false accusation) 14) Paishunya (slander) 15) Rati-arati (happiness - sadness) 16) Par-parivaad (censure) 17) Maaya-mrishavad (speaking lie with fraud) 18) Mithyatvashalya (lack of faith in the Jinas)
Shaata vedniya, Ucchgotra, Devaayushya, Manushyaayushya, Tiryanchaayushya, Manushyagati, Devgati, Panchendriyajati, 5 bodies, 3 angopangs. First sanghayan, First sansthan, decent colour-odour-taste-touch, Shubh vihaayogati, Devanupurvi, Manushyanupurvi, Atap, Udyot,