1) JEEV - A lake full of water of virtues such as
knowledge etc. 2) AJEEV - Dirt assembled in the jeev-lake. 3) PUNYA - Dirt of good karmas. 4) PAAP - Dirt of evil karmas. 5) AASHRAV : Inlets for karma-dirt to enter the
jeev-lake. 6) SAMVAR:- Lids to prevent the karma dirt from entering
the jeev-lake. 7) BANDH - Assimilation of karma-dirt in jeevlake. 8) NIRJARA - Machine to destroy karma-dirt. 9) MOKSHA : Dirtless jeev lake after the destruction of all the karma-dirt.
[1] JEEV Jeev is the base of virtues such as knowledge etc. Jeev is the enjoyer and enduror of joys and griefs. Pure jeev (soul) is compiled of infinite knowledge and faith. Sansari soul is bound by the bonds of karma. So, its virtues such as knowledge, faith etc. are hidden. The entire universe can be divided into jeev and ajeev. Still, punya, paap etc. are also important. So, they are considered as separate elements.
Nav-TATIVA When one says 'I am not a thief', it proves that there is some thing called thief in this universe. Similarly, when atheists say "We don't believe in jeev', it itself proves the existence of jeev. Similarly, after someone's death we say, "There is no soul in this body." This also proves the existence of jeev.
Que :- Let the jeev exist in this Universe, but why should we consider it different from matter? Why shouldn't we consider jeev as some form of matter? A bubble arises from water and gets dissolved in it. Similarly, jeev arises from panchbhoot - searth, water, fire, wind, sky(space)] and gets dissolved in it. What is wrong if we believe so ?
Ans - The panchbhoots are matter, while the jeev is an independent element, separate from matter, because the features of matter and jeev are different. The features such as - coolness etc. of water and bubble are similar. So, we can consider a bubble as a form of water. Features of jeev are knowledge, joy, misery, peace etc. Features of matter are colour, odour, taste, touch etc. So, we can't consider jeev as a form of matter.
SOME POINTS PROVING THE EXISTENCE OF JEEV 1) Jeev is the base of knowledge, desire, joy, grief etc. 2) A constructor builts a building, similarly the constructor
of the body is jeev. 3) The producer of extract, blood, hair, nail, bone etc.
from grains is jeev.
Atheists don't believe in soul. They deny the existence of jeev. This only proves the existence of jeev, because one can deny only those things which exist in the universe.
4) The body is a factory. The mind is an office. Message
is delivered everywhere from there. Musical instrument is there in the throat. Heart is a machine. Stomach