In ancient times, people had sharp intellect. So, they could remember everything just by listening. But, as the time passed the intellect of people started declining. So, the acharyas decided that all the scriptures should be written on paper for their preservance, otheriwse the scriptural knowledge would be totally demalished due to the weakening of memory day by day. On the other hand, many tender-hearted acharyas composed many scriptures by collecting elements from the Angasutras. The acharyas in the lineage composed Prakarana scriptures by collecting elements of various subjects fromthe Agam scriptures.
many suck prakarana scriptures are existent today. Among these the knowledge of Jeevvichar, Navtattva, Dandak, Sangrahni, Three Bhashyas, Six Karmagranths, Kshetrasamas, Brihat Sangrahni etc. is very much essential to become familiar with Jain-dootrines. Even today the study of these Prakarna scriptures is widespread in the Jain Sangh
The ascetics and nuns who don't have the right or ability for reading the Agamas can also become great shcolars of scriptural elements after studying the prakarana scriptures. By the knowledge of these scriptures, one's faith in Jainism increases and gets strengthened. A scholar of prakarna scriptures is neither amazed by the miraculous scientific inventions in the present age, nor he looses faith in Jainism. His soul becomes more and more pure virtues such as humility, graveness, tolerance etc. increase in his life. He becomes firm in executing religious activities. His indifference develops. As a result, he can attain good soul-prosperity. That's why the study of prakarana scriptures is very essential in the path of sould prosperity.
I have attempted to put forth the collection of elements of prakaranas in the feet of the Sandh by the grace of gurudev. In this book I have tried to focus light on the elements of Jeev-vichar and Navtattva. After the completion of elements, the gaathas of the prakaranas and their titeral meanings are also given at the end for the benefit of the readers. The readers have to understand these elements from gurudev, cram them and revise them again and again. In this way only the knowledge of elements would become firm and stable.
Formerly, this book was published in gujarati. But, nowadways I came in contact of many teenagers who couldn't or write gujarati. This was due to their education in english medium. Among these, many were tallented and had affection for religion in their heart. I wanted to enlighten their soulds also with the knowledge of elements. For this, english translation of the gujarati book
Along with the knowledge of Sanskrit Grammar and logic scriptures, if one has learned the above mentioned prakarana scriptures, he can easily read the Agam scriptures. Those who lack the knowledge of these prakarana scriptures and in attaining their prefect hidden meanings, even if they are scholars of grammar and logic. Thus, in the absence of the knowledge of prakarana scriptures, one has to keep himself away from the true knowledge of Agamas.