contact), it is Karta of material Karma and nominally it is Karta of building, town etc.
Chothun pad-: 'Atmä bhoktä сhhe.' Je je kain kriyä сhhe te te sarva safal chhe, nirarthak nathi. Je kaii pan karvämän äve tenun fal bhogavavämän äve evo pratyaksha anubhav chhe. Vish khädhäthi vishanun fal; säkar khäväthi säkarnun fal; agnisparshathi te agnisparshanun fal; himne sparsh karaväthi himsparshanun jem fal thayä vinä rahetun nathi, tem kashäyädi ke akashäyädi je kain parinäme ätmä pravarte tenun fal pan thavä yogya ja chhe, ane te thäy chhe. Te kriyano ätmä kartä hoväthi bhoktä сhhe.
Fourth Fundamental:- Soul bears the consequences. All the activities are fruitful; they are not futile. It is the obvious experience that whatever is done, the consequences follow. Consumption of poison or sugar and contact with fire or snow do not fail to extend the consequences. Similarly, if the soul indulges in defiled or undefiled state, such indulgence is bound to be fruitful and it brings forth the consequences. Thus soul being Karta of that Karma, it bears the consequences.
Pänchamun pad:- Mokshapad chhe.' Je anupachärit vyavahärathi jivne karmanun kartäpanun nirupan karyun, kartäpanun hoväthi bhoktäpanun nirupan karyun, te karmanun talaväpanun pan chhe; kem ke pratyaksh kashäyädinun tivrapanun hoy pan tenä anabhyasthi, tenä aparichaythi, tene upasham karavathi, tenun mandpanun dekhäy chhe, te kshin thavä yogya dekhäy chhe, kshin thai shake chhe. Te te bandhbhäv kshin thai shakavä yogya hoväthi tethi rahit evo je shuddha ätmaswabhäv te roop mokshapad chhe.
Fifth Fundamental:- There is liberation. Soul has been described above as being Kartä of material Karma and hence subject to its consequences. That Karma can be terminated as well; because even if the prevailing defilements etc. are very acute, they can be reduced by discontinuance of practice, by avoiding contact and by calming them down. They are reducible and can be destroyed. The state of the bondage thus being destructible, the pure state of soul, devoid of the bondage, is the state of liberation.
Chhatthun pad:- 'Te mokshano upay chhe. Jo kadi karmabandh mätra thayä kare em ja hoy, to teni nivrutti koi käle sambhave nahin. Pan karmabandhthi viparit swabhävvälän evä jnän, darshan, samädhi, vairägya bhaktyädi sädhan pratyaksha chhe; je sädhnananä bale karmabandh shithil thäy chhe, upasham päme chhe, kshin thäy chhe. Mäte te jnän, darshan, sanyamädi moskshapadanä upäy chhe.
Sixth Fundamental:- There are means to attain the liberation. If the bondage of Karma continues to occur, its cessation can never be possible. There are, however, evident means, such as knowledge, conviction, quietude, detachment, devotion etc. which are manifestly opposites of the bondage of Karma. With the intensity of those means the bondage is loosened; it subsides and can be destroyed. As such, knowledge, perception, restraint etc. are the means for attaining liberation.
Shri jnänipurushoe samyagdarshananä mukhya niäväsbhoot kahyän evä ä сhha pad atre sankshepmän janävyän chhe. Samipmuktigämi jivne sahaj vichärmän te sapramän thavä