Ananya sharananä äpanär evä shri sadgurudevane atyant bhaktithi namaskar
Obeisance with intense devotion to the true Guide, the conferor of unique refuge.
Shuddha ätmaswaroopane pämyä сhhe evä jnänipurushoe niche kahyän chhe te chha padane samyagdarshannä niväsanä sarvotkrust sthäanak kahyän chhe.
The enlightened persons, who have attained the true nature of Self, have termed the following six Fundamentals as the supreme abode of right perception.
Pratham pad:- 'Ätmä сhhe.'Jem ghatpatädi padärtho chhe, tem ätmä pan chhe. Amuk gun hoväne lidhe jem ghatpatädi hovänun pramän chhe, tem swaparprakäshak evi chaitnysattäno pratyaksh gun jene vishe chhe evo ätmä hovänun pramän chhe.
First Fundamental:- There is existence of soul. As there are physical objects like pot, cloth, etc. so is there the soul. As the properties of pot, cloth, etc. provide the evidence of their existence, the obvious property of consciousness to manifest the self as well as others is the evidence of the existence of soul.
Bijun pad:- 'Atmä nitya chhe.' Ghatpatädi padärtho amuk kälvarti chhe. Ätmä trikälvarti chhe. Ghatpatädi sanyoge kari padärth chhe. Atmä swabhäve karine padarth chhe; kemke teni utpati mate koi pan sanyogo anubhavyogya thatä nathi. Koi pan sanyogi dravyathi chetansattä pragat thavä yogya nathi mate anutpanna chhe; asanyogi hoväthi avinäshi chhe, kemke jeni koi sanyogathi utpati na hoy, teno koine vishe lay pan hoy nahin.
Second Fundamental:- Soul is eternal. Pot, cloth, etc. stay as such for a while; but soul stays forever. Pot, cloth, etc. are composed of some materials, but soul is a substance on its own, because no composition can be visualized for producing soul. Consciousness cannot arise out of any composition, so it is not a product. Being non-composite, it is imperishable; because what cannot be produced by any composition cannot even merge in anything else.
Trijun pad-: 'Atmä kartä сhhe.' Sarva padärtha arthakriyäsampanna chhe.Kain ne kain parinämkriyä sahit ja sarva padärtha jovämän äve chhe. Atmä pan kriyäsampanna chhe. Kriyâsampanna chhe, mate kartä сhhe. Te kartäpanun trividh shri jine vivechyun chhe; paramärthathi swabhävparinatie nijswaroopano kartä сhhe. Anupachärit (Anubhavmän ävavä yogya, vishesh sambandh sahit)vyavahärathi te ätmä dravyakarmano kartä сhhe. Upachärathi ghar, nagar ädino kartä сhhe.
Third Fundamental:- Soul is Kartä. All objects are associated with noticeable activity; all of them are seen with some or other alteration in their states. Soul also is imbibed with activity. Being imbibed with activity, it is Kartä. The omniscient Lords have specified three types of such activities. In absolute state when soul stays tuned to its nature, it is Kartä of that nature; in usual practice (which can be experienced, which comes in close