Dadashri: That is good.
Questioner: You said you lost out in drinking your morning milk because of your obstinacy. How old were you?
Dadashri: I was about nine or ten then.
Questioner: But Dada, even we did the same thing. We too missed drinking our share of milk at that age. We too were left hungry but we still continued the obstinacy; so how did you stop?
Dadashri: My morning milk and everything went. I concluded that all the loss was due to my obstinacy. Obstinacy is filled with losses, so stop it. One should not be obstinate.
Was it not obstinacy on my part at that time? When I insisted questioning, 'Why do I get only this much milk?' Why could I not just let go and drink it? I thought that maybe I will have my way the next time. Do you know what I used to tell my mother? 'Why do you give me half a cup of milk when you give my sister-in-law half a cup also? Give her less. I was happy with what I got, I did not want any more, but I wanted my sister-inlaw to have less than me. So what did my mother tell me? 'Your mother is here; her mother is not, is she? I have to give her the same otherwise the poor girl will feel bad'. I was still not be satisfied. My mother continued to explain things to reason with me; she kept patching up the situation. However, one day I became obstinate and lost out and so I decided never to do so again. Generally people would say, 'Just let him be. Would that not happen?
Thereafter he never became upset and noncommunicative
Questioner: To instantly recognize the loss is the intellect of a baniya-business men (vaniaintellect-vanikbuddhi), is it not?
Dadashri: It is nothing like that. Vaniyaintellect is called vanikintellect. Vanikintellect means thoughtful intellect. It is wise intellect. Having understood the loss, one would never incur that loss again.
You lose when you become upset and noncommunicative risavoo. If you become upset and noncommunicative risavoo, throw a tantrum, and