Questioner: So how are the mahatma maintaining the 'I-ness'?
Dadashri: It remains. It is there. One is not keeping it; it is is there. As one's karma accounts are cleared, to that extent the 'I-ness' dissolves. That amount which has dissolved, is gone. All these people do have 'I-ness' but because they have also attained this Gnan, their 'I-ness' is melting away.
Questioner: If the 'I-ness' remains, then one will charge karmas, is that so?
Dadashri: No. There is no charging. This ego of 'I-ness' does not do any charging of a new karma. This ‘I-ness' is a discharge, it is that which will melt away.
Discharge ego is 'I-ness'
Your ego is now gone. The ego of doership, the charging ego is gone. When 'we' gave you Gnan, the ego of doership ahamkar and myness mamata both go away. But the 'I-ness', ego that is in discharge, potapanu still remains
What does this meant? The base is the ego, 'I am Chandulal' (the flour in the following example). The ghee and goda butter and jaggery mixed in it represents the coming together of other non-Self elements to form the basic dough that can take many shapes, I am Chandulal ' and “This is mine.' mamata. Then the various forms of mixtures can be in the form of a buiscuit, a flat bread or balls or small sweet squares. All these are different expressions of the worldly ego. These worldly forms of ego are all residual, dying ego, after Gnan.
The ego and the myness have gone, and what remains is this ‘Iness'. This looks like ego.
Questioner: So what is the difference between ego ahamkar and ‘I-ness' potapanu?
Dadashri: The ego will never move away; it will never decrease.