imagination. All You have to do is to maintain the bhaav an inner intent that you want to rid of the 'I-ness'. Having this bhaav does so much work that the 'I-ness' will constantly diminish. But if you have the bhaav of, 'No, as long as the worldly life is there, there is no need to get rid of the 'I-ness', then that will be the case. After attaining Gnan, 'You' have authority and realm over all these inner bhaav. You do not have any authority and realm over everything that is pending for discharge nikali baabat. There You have to let it discharge nikal without intereference.
Do you understand where Your authority and the realm chalan? You have the authority and realm over the inner intent bhaav of, 'I-ness' has to go, 'I-ness' is not needed anymore,', then that will be the case. For how long can you make something Yours when in fact it is not? Is it not a mistake to make something that is not Yours, as yours? It is now very clear in our Gnan that this 'I-ness' is not 'Ours'. Is it not a mistake to behave otherwise? 'We' do not have such 'I-ness'.
'I-ness' melts as karmas are cleared
The Gnani Purush follows adhin the unfolding karmas udaya constantly without any 'I-ness.' In the unfolding karma The Gnani has not potapanu. The circumstances around arise, come together, and unfold as scientic circumstantial evidences, and the Gnani follows them.
Questioner: If the Gnanis follow the course of the unfolding karma, then how is it for the others?
Dadashri: Theirs too is dependent on unfolding karma, with the difference that they have 'I-ness' in that.
Questioner: You say that every person's follows the unfolding karma so is it possible for a person to maintain 'I-ness' in it if he wants
Dadashri: One verily keeps, the 'I-ness".
Questioner: What about the mahatmas who have taken this Gnan?
Dadashri: The mahatmas too have the 'I-ness".