The world will surrender everything to the one who speaks on the basis of what comes forth through this Gnan of 'Dada'. What will be the outcome? He will be left trapped and hanging. All those that have been lying dormant oopsham within—the kashayas of subtle pride, greed, selfvalidation, ego, and deception—will ignite. These words have tremendous appeal and attraction. This Gnan is very attractive. Therefore, remain silent. If you want to get the total benefit (liberation) then remain silent. If you want to open up a shop, then you are free to talk. But such a shop will hardly have any customers, and will not last. This is because this is given Gnanyou have been given this knowledge,' and so it will not be long before it vanishes. Such shop runs for a while in that kramik-traditional path of liberation. It lasts for two or five or even ten life times but then, that too vanishes. Opening a shop is equivalent to selling off your siddhi-spiritual stock attained so far. That which has been attained is being sold off, abused.
Goshada used to be a disciple of Lord Mahavir. He was a very special disciple of the Lord. However, towards the end he became an adversary of the Lord. He had spent a lot of time with Lord Mahavir. As time went by he began to feel that he had understood all the Gnan. He left the Lord, went off on his own and started proclaiming, 'I am the tirthankara, he is not a tirthankara.' At other times he used to say, 'he is a tirthankara, and so am I'. Now once this disease sets in, what can become of a person?
Now when he was in the direct presence of Lord Mahavir, he did not behave. How then is the one who is around 'us' going to behave and not go astray? What happens to anything that breaks before it takes its final shape? What happens to the food that is served before it is cooked? And that event of Goshada happened in the era of the fourth time cycle of the fourth , whereas this is the fifth era, a time which is destructive; it will ruin countless lives to come.
People have taken just this kind of beatings from time immemorial. They have had this very same beating over and over again. The slightest taste of the inner pleasure sends the monkey ego scrambling way up all the way.
The intense craving greed to be worshipped
Do you ever have an intense craving kaamna to be praised or worshipped poojavoo? Let me know if you do, I will help you suppress it.