are, without any change in tone, intent and meaning for the listener. The speech must not be made up and fabricated through imagination and intellect. What is the big hurry for us anyway, at this time? Do you want to remain as a child of Dada or do you want to become big and famous?
Questioner: I want to remain as a child of Dada.
Dadashri: That is it. There is fun in remaining as a child. That way there is a safe side and no danger for you. 'Dada' has to carry you. And if someone says, 'I have grown up,' then 'we' tell him, 'Yes, then go out and play on your own.' 'We' say and make him understand, 'do not become 'big' take off on your own adhinata.' but if he insists that he wants to, then 'we' let him go. 'Go ahead! You will come back when you get hurt and learn your lesson." Our Gnan is such that it will not refrain from teaching you a lesson."
'You' simply have to tell him, 'Chandulal, I know what you are like. So do not trap Me.' 'You' should talk to him this way. Tell him, 'I am with you if you know anything in this matter, but if you drag Me in trouble then you will be sorry."
This is how everyone has grown up, no? A child will learn to climb. and if he falls, he will get up again and so on. First, he learns to push the walker around for support and then he learns to walk on his own. So this is the way to learn. Is that not the only way?
So if you want to complete the work, then remember only one thing; if someone asks you anything, just tell them, 'I don't know anything, please go to Dadaji.'
Hold the silence to attain the ultimate state of liberation
Do not get involved in talking with people (conduct satsang) until you have attained your goal of liberation purnahuti. It is not worth getting into. Yes, one may say this much to the people, 'Go there, over there, the satsang is very good, this is how you may attain it, etc.' You may say this much, but do not preach anything. This is not something you can preach updesha to others. This is Akram Vignan-the science without any spiritual step.