Questioner: What is included in worldly benefit? Is it considered everything except the goal of salvation—moksha?
Dadashri: The goal of liberation exists after this Gnan of the Self. The problem is with the deeply ingrained old habit latta, which persist. These will not leave. They cast a veil over the self and thus make it difficult for the owner to know that they—the kashaya of deceit-indeed exists. The owner has no clue.
The owner is also not aware of the other kashaya, of greed lobha. A greedy person will never know that, 'I am greedy.' Only pride-maan and anger krodha, these two kashaya are guileless, so one can easily know their existence. One cannot identify maaya-illusion that veils the Self. One cannot know of greed either.
Questioner: So mostly this deceit kapat is for advantage in worldly affairs....
Dadashri: Deceit-kapat is very tough. Deceit is the most difficult nuisance. Now how can it leave by itself? If one stops seeking advantage in worldly situations, then it will leave by itself. Such a person is liberated indeed, no?
Questioner: That is called awareness—jagruti, no?
Dadashri: This is not awareness; I just showed the way out of deceit kapat.
Questioner: This is beneficial for worldly life and this is beneficial for spiritual progress towards liberation; such an inner demarcation is called awareness jagruti, no?
Dadashri: That is called awareness. But that kind of awareness will not prevail at all. It is only in the absence of awareness that deceit kapat exists. Even otherwise that deeply ingrained old habit latta has to be fractured, no? The habit! The latt—habitual compulsion—to enjoy worldly pleasures!
Questioner: One needs to turn this around and be done with this habit no? How can this habit be broken?