The account that is created is verily of deceit. Everywhere, deceit binds an account (new karma for repayment effect in the next life). Otherwise nothing will impede you.
These kashayas would not happen because of this Gnan-Selfknowledge that 'we' have given you. One strays in the zone of kashayas because of the old habits (prior to Gnan) of wanting to taste what's going on. Hence one strays there and feeds on them. This Gnan is such that, deceit kapat will not survive in any person.
Questioner: This deceit prevents the awareness-jagruti?
Dadashri: Anger-pride-greed also will not let you maintain awareness. Deceit will make one totally unaware. The owner himself will not know what deceit kapat has happened. The owner (person committing deception) himself will not know that he is employing deceit!! In instances of anger-pride-greed one may be somewhat aware. This deceit kapat is very deep. Even the doer of the deceit will not be aware that he is doing it.
Questioner: A person who is committing deceit cannot know it then how can one identify it? If one cannot identify it, then how can be rid of this fault?
Dadashri: This is hidden from, not only the doer of the deceit, but everyone else around too. The process of the deceit kapat that happens is not known at all.
Questioner: How can one get rid of these faults of deceit kapar?
Dadashri: It is very difficult.
Questioner: How can we know the nature of this deceit?
Dadashri: The nature of deceit is like this: to gain advantage in worldly affairs one pulls others into his own opinion and confidence, manipulates and drags others according to one's own opinion and inner design. The ones who are manipulated begin to trust the deceiver kapati. A person who is doing this would not know that he is doing anything wrong. He simply is not aware that he is doing something wrong.