To start rivalry is like falling down from your own position. If you are true but you hold on to the truth then too, it is considered as ego. The world's truth is not an absolute truth- it is a relative truth. Why should you hold on to it? The Gnani Purush is completely without insistence.
Know that you are on the correct path if you have become the one without any separation due to the differences of opinion matabheda. No hold or insistence anywhere. He is called straight sarad who bends to any shape.
Of all the kashayas anger, greed, pride, and deceit that obstruct right knowledge and behavior, deceit kapat is the toughest. This is because, deceit has a sweet face and can't be seen. All kinds of accounts of karma are created due to deceit kapat. Deceit verily means that the owner is unaware of its existence and operation and for that reason it is difficult to remove it.
To take advantage in worldly life by pulling others towards your opinion and taking them into your confidence, is called deceit kapat. The person being deceitful does not know it. The constant awareness, Except for liberation, I don't want anything at all,' will make the deceit kapat leave. Saying this five times every morning will let the awareness arise to defeat the deceit.
Due to the deceit kapat that exists and to finish the game of deceit a person will win over others by employing craftiness chaturai . The one who understands what is good for him or bad for him, will not enter into this trap of craftiness.
By repeatedly and deeply keeping the intention 'I want to get rid of all my faults, I want attain final liberation moksha only,' one can be free from deceit.
As long as there is any sweetness being experienced in worldly interaction, the uninterrupted awareness as the Self cannot prevail. Bitterness is not objectionable. With sweetness there will be interruption, dozing in this awareness.
Having met the Gnani Purush, one's train is on the main line for reaching the final destination of liberation. But, if some 'pointman' comes across on the way, there is no guarantee of staying on course. The whole