happiness on his face. Then if you ask him how many samayik some other person did, he will tell you, 'He cannot do samayik. He did only one'. If you ask him, 'Did you do four samayiks?' he will respond, 'Then who else? I am the one who did them.' That is when we realize how intoxicated keyf he is with the sense of doership garvaras he is! He may have all kind of notions of greatness.. Then if you ask him the next day 'How many samayiks did you do today?' he will tell you he did not do samayik because his legs were hurting or he had a headache. So did he do the samayik yesterday or did his legs do the samayik? Who did it? If you did the samayik then do not use your legs as an excuse. You were able to do it because your legs were fine and that your head did not hurt or your stomach was not hurting you. When everything is regular and the circumstances are conducive, then you can do the samayik. Then why do you alone take the doership for it? So when something is dependent on other circumstances, then what part of it is yours? Do people take such doership or not? It is just egoism that one continues to do so. Scientific circumstantial evidences do everything but one claims 'I am doing it and that is garvaras. And as long as this habit of tasting garvaras continues, the worldly life continues. Will you not have to understand this? Can such wrong belief continue to prevail?
Questioner: But are we not born with all this?
Dadashri: Yes, one are born with it. One has to be aware of this garva doership. And one continues to enjoy garvaras. 'He likes the garvaras a lot. The moment he says, 'I did four samayiks,' he swells up with pride and then he feels soory for the one who does only one samayik. He will say that this poor man cannot do samayiks. First, he feels sorry for the man and then he becomes contemptuous tiraskar towards him. So the worldly life is perpetuated as a result of garvaras. That is the big mistake. What can the Lord do in all this? That is why Krupadudev said,
‘Das varshey re dhara ullasi, mityon udaya karma no garva re
At the age of ten, the brim the ocean of bliss was reached, Along with the loss of the sense of doership in the fruition of karma'