bless him; that is the reason for remembering. Otherwise, I do not make a note of it. If 'we' made note nondha of something then I will have a tendency to take revenge. So I do not make notes. And that is why you do not make notes against me, even when 'Dadaji' scolds you.
Questioner: There is love from Dadaji, even when he scolds us.
Dadashri: Yes, so you should not make intense mental notes. Half your miseries will go away if you stop keeping such notes.
Do people in the world keep intense mental notes?
It is their business to keep intense mental notes. They will say, 'He did this to me and he did that to me.'
It is because I do not keep notes that you do not keep notes on me. People will definitely keep intense mental notes on you if you keep intense mental notes on them. If you take something from my shop, I will keep a note of it. So then will you refrain from keeping a note in your own shop? If II do not make a note to begin with, then the other person will not do so either. Who will keep notes when dealing with me? Even when I tell them off or do anything to them? Everything will be fine if you do not keep intense mental notes. It is not worth keeping such notes.
Vyavasthit eliminates intense mental notes
The relative knowledge is illusionary knowledge. So then what is the use of keeping intense mental notes about anyone in this world? You should not make an intense mental note even if your wife says, 'Your nature is bad. I am going to my parents' home and I am not coming back,' because everything is under the control of vyavasthit. Is it under her control? Is it under her control or in the control of vyavasthit? So then what happens if you make an intense mental note, 'Is that so? What arrogance on her part! What the hell does she think she is? Let her try it!'? What will happen then? A war will break out!
Questioner: If she talks like this, the mind will go beserk. One get's very excited.