53 Dāhala have been discovered, and no coins of the kings prior or posterior to him in the dynasty are known to us.: Gold, silver and copper coins of Gangeyadeva have been discovered. On one side is the name of the king in two lines, and on the other a figure of a fourarmed goddess.2
Coins of one king of the Cedi or Kalacuri dynasty of Kalyāṇapura have also been discovered. On one side of the coins is engraved the figure of the boar-incarnation, and on the other is written ‘Murāri' in Nāgarī characters. Murāri, as R. D. Banerjee says, is perhaps another name of Someśvaradeva, the second king of the abovementioned Cedi dynasty.3
1 Prācina Mudrā, p. 212. 2 Ibid., p. 212.
3 Ibid., p. 184.