monk must endure hunger (Ksudhā Parisuha la fue); thirst (Trisa qui), only drinking hot fuids; cold (Sita illa), without lighting a fire or asking for extra clothing; heat ( Usna 60'21), without even fanning ; mosquito bites (Dānsa sin ); unsuitable clothing ( Vastra cet); he must be indiffe rent to the lodging, food, clothes, etc., he obtains (Arati, 242G): indifferent to women Strivell; he must not mind changing his dwelling (Caryā 2441); must be indifferent to danger and fear ( Naisidhiki arafasl); as to getting a bed or not (S'ayyā 21241); must endure taunts, etc. (A'krosa 2415121); beating ( Vadha 94); unkindness when begging (Yāńcā 41211); refusal when begging (Alābhu ay(1164); illness ( Poga 2100); must not mind the prickly grass on which he lies ( Trinaspars'a delz421); must endure dirt on his body (Mela 244); must not be puffed up when praised for his learning or virtue (Satkāra 2651?; nor proud whilst teaching his pupils (Prajñā 411); must not remember his learning and his studies ( Ajñāna wylot j; and finally, must never allow a doubt as to the truth of his religion any foot-hold in his mind (Samy.ektu. Parisaha 274509 46728).
Twelve great reflections ( Bhāvanā 211901) must be remembered, especially by monks and nuns, but also by the laity :
(1) Anitya Bhāvanā ( 241424 041991): One must
Twelve constantly remember that the world is Reflections. transitory and the soul eternal.
(2) As'arann Bhāvanā ( 34217191 641941): that the soul fears death and has no shelter.
(3) Sam sẽa Bhāva mã (int addt): that man is constantly taking birth.