iii. The Forty two A's'rava. There are forty-two A's'rava ( 241249 ) or Paths leading to the Eight Karma, and of these seventeen are major and twenty-five minor. The current Jaina illustration of A's rava is as follows:-the soul is like a tank into which, like water through rills and channels, Karma flows by way of the body, tongue, nose, eyes and ears.* Of the seventeen major A's'rava, four are included under :
Kaşaya (5414) or passions, namely Anger, (Krodha fill, Pride (Māna 7101), Illusion (Māyā 2141, Greed
Lobha 01164. These are all subdivided The Passions.
according to their extent. In the case of Anger ( which they believe dwells in the forehead) there are:--
(1) Anintānubundhi ayonigaych), or the bitterest anger, which is endless, and the punishment for which is Hell.
(2) Apacokhāņāruraniyu (244244419492084, or anger which lasts for not more than a year, and which is ended on the Jaina festival of good will, the last day of Pajjusaņa. If a man die whilst he is indulging in this anger, he will become a beast or bird.
(3) Pacukhānā viraniya ( 42404194192984), or anger which lasts for not more than fifteen days.
At the end of every fifteen days there is a special confession of sin amongst the Jaina, and this anger must end then. If a man die in this state, he will have no chance of becoming a saint in his next birth, but will be born a man.
* art mau 9141. Part 2. p. 59.