These eight are subdivided again into one hundred and fifty-eight divisions, into which it is scarcely necessary to go.
The Fourteen Steps to Liberation.
The Jaina believe that a soul is liberated from Karma by fourteen steps, and these they call the Cauda Gunasthanaka ( ચાદ ગુણસ્થાનક. )
The First Step is the Mithyatra Gunasthanaka (2 2). Men or women, according to the Jaina, often begin to take their first interest in religion 1st Step. by realising that what is unreal is real. Those who are at this stage are completely under bondage to Karma.
Sāsālant Gumusthānta (સાસ્વાદન ગુણસ્થાનક). A man begins to realize what the truths of Jainism are, but finds them too difficult
2nd Step. to believe and is still tied down by Karma. Mis'ra Gunasthanaka (4
1). At this stage 3rd Step. a man, though continuing to be bound by Karma, begins to hold some truth along with the untruth he still believes.
Avirati Samyakadristi Gunasthanaka (fa અવિરતિ સમ્યકદૃષ્ટિ ગુણસ્થાનક). A man who has reached this stage begins to understand the evils of excessive 4th Step. Anger, Pride, Deceit and Greed, and is freed from the three ties of Self righteousness, Self esteem and Self conceit; if these evil qualities are not absolutely destroyed at this stage, they become quiescent and are no longer motives in deciding his conduct. He is now somewhat freed from the chains of Karma.