Every Tirthankara has also thirty four bodily characteristics, his blood for instance is white, his body has a Sweet odour and he is never seen to eat.
List of Tirthankara. The following list of Tirthankara of the present age shows some slight differences between the sects, (1) RISABHADEVA (*40484) or A'dina’THA ( 241[en114
whose sign is the bull. (2) AJITANA’THA (2415690114, whose sign is the elephant. (3) SAMBHAVANATHA (216174119, whose sign is the horse. (4) ABHINANDANA (Bystried), whose sign is the ape. (5) SUMATINA THA ( 3 ,114), whose sign is the red
goose. (6) PADMAPRABHU (441409, whose sign is the lotus flower. (7) SUPA'RS'VANA THA (41941014, whose sign is L
the svistika symbol. (8) CANDRAPRABHU ( Big Hey, whose sign is the moon. (9) SUVIDHINA'THA (4749114, whose sign is the croco
dile [? Digambara: crab ). (10) S'ITALANA THA (21941914), whose sign is the Sri
witsui figure [ ? Digambara : ficus religiosa ). (11) S'REYA MSANATHA (4140114), whose sign is the
rhinoceros. (12) VA'SUPUJYA (4184084), whose sign is the male
buffalo.* (13) VIMALANA THA (1444114), whose sign is the boar. * Dr. Burgess in his edition of Dr. Bühler's “ Indian sect of the
Jainas,' p. 69, gives the sign as the female buffalo, but all the Jaina I have asked give the male.