Famine, 75, 76n.
Hatthisimha's temple, 45, Fasting, 28, 34ff., 43, 107, 108. 93n., 98. Fatherhood of God, 49. Heat (enduring.', 70. Festivals, 107.
(100. Heaven, 53. Five, Salutation to the, 99, Height of mankind, 82. Food, 33, 34ff., 43, 74, 11C. Hell, 54, 78. Forno, 66.
Hinduism, influence of, 93,94. Fruit, offering of, 89, 104. Honesty, 32, 41, 77. Funeral of A'rajā, 28. Horoscope, 46.
Houselessness, 6, 37. Gabhāro, 87, 98.
Humility, 34, 36, 70. Gabhāro, Sevāno, 87, 98. Hunger, 70. Gacchācāra, 21.
Hymn-book, illustrated, 105. Ganivijaya, 21. Garaniji, 26.
Illness, 70. Gati, 59, 104.
Illusion, 67, 68. Gifts to Religious, 24n. Images, washing of, 88 ff. Girnār, Mt., 44, 85, 86, 88, Impeding of Karma, 68. God, 49.
[102, 110. Indifference to hardships, 70. Gosāle, 7.
Indra, 5n., 53. Gotra Karma, 59.
Indrabhuti, 9. Greed, 67, 68, 77.
Indrāni, 53. Greveyika, 53.
Indriya, 65. Grimbhikagrāma, 6.
Inertia, 66. Gunasthānaka, Chauda, 60. Infanticide, 76. Gupti, the Three, 69. Initiation of monk, 23, 25. Guru, 36, 100, 101, 108, 109. L
„nun, 26.
Insects, scruples regarding, Habit of ascetics, 23. [35. 24, 27, 31, 65. Hair plucking, 25, 26, 26n., Institutions, Jaina, 111. Hanumāna, 93.
Iriyāvahi, 101.