Bhāvanā, 70.
| (aste, 44, 98, 112. Bhavi, 50.
Categories, the Nine, 04. Bhoyaņi, 52n.
Cauda Gunasthānaka, 60. Birth Ceremonies, 46. Caudas a, 110. Bodhibija Bhavana, 71. Cauvisanththe, 100. Bora fruit, 80.
Causarana, 20. Brahmacarya, 37.
Celibacy, 37. Brahmacarya Vrata, 33. Character, 99, Brāhmans, 2, 3, 233, 31, 32, Chastity, 33, 37, 42, 77.
33, 40, 44, 45, 45n., 48, 76, Chedayrantha, the Six, 18, 19. Brāhmi, 80.
[95. Chedopasthāpaniya Cāritra, Brihatkalpa, 18. Brotherhood of man, 49. Buddha, 4, 7, 8, 9, 23.
Children, Advice to, 64, 77. Buddhism, 2,7, 23, 310., 32,
Clothing, 5, 6, 11, 23, 35, 70, 33, 44, 84.
74, 102, 106.
Cold (enduring , 70. Caitri Punema, 110.
Colour, 66. Cāndalo, 90, 102.
Committees for Worship, 86, Candana, 103.
Conceit, 77. Candana Pujā, 103, 105.
Conduct, Five Rules of, 68. Candapannati, 17.
Conduct, Right, 77, 84, 104. Candāvijaya, 21.
Conferences, Jaina, 44, 47, Candraprabhu, 51.
Confession, 36. [111. Canon, Jaina, 12 ff.
Corendriya Jiva, 65. „ Digambara, 14. Covetousness, 33, 34, 42, 77.
„ Svetāmbara, 12. Covihāranāṁ Pacakhāna,102. Caraṇānuyoga, 22.
Cc-wives, 42, 46. Caritra, the Five, 71. Creation, 49. Cāritrya, 84,
Cremation, 48. Caryā Parisaha, 70.
Customs, 45.