lying scattered over the grey pages of works handed down from the spiritual sire to the spiritual son, by freeing them from errors which they have become more or less shrole:with, through the revolution of ages and empires, or through long-standing conventions which have come down to us from time immemorial, must require a power of interpretation and original speculation. To other originality than this, the volume Lys no claim. For it goes without saying that in the present age of the cultivation of universal learning, when the literatti of both the East and the West are sedulusly engaged ia exploring the rich and almost inexhaustible mines of the ancient lores of halia, it would indeed be very presum suous on the part of any one to imagine even that he had contributed something new and original in the domain of ideas and ideais. But still for all that there is ample scope for thinkers to improve upon the methods of philosophising and interpreting the old ideas and ideals, tenets and doctrines in perfect keeping with the changed conditions of the times to suit newer environments without deviating in the least froin the real spirit