Further de monstration of the unsett. ling character of reason
more than five.
with uncertainties, nobody would have any inclination to work for the same. Therefore the doctrine, pungently retorts Shankar, of those undecisive masters who have nothing definite to teach or preach, is not to be accepted.
IV. Then, again, applying this unsettling principle of reasoning to that
portion of their doctrine which teaches ing-Fewer that the composites (flahlu) are five
in number, one has got to understand that on the one hand they are five and on the other, they are not five i. e. from the latter point of view, they are fewer or more than five which is a ridiculous position to uphold.
V. Also you cannot logically maintain a bandon that the predicaments are indescribable. If
dingi they were so, they could on no account be Original
described ; but as a matter of fact they are described and as such you abandon your original position.
VI. If you say, on the contrary, self-contra- that predicaments being so described are
ascertained to be such and such ; and at the •same time they are not such and such ;
Involving an