Of the other
AN EPITOME OF JAINISM similarity nor anything commensurate between them.
Many attempts have been made to define
the exact relationship. Some have uncritiSchools of cally asserted the hard and fast opposition
between them giving rise to absolute dualism like the Samkhya materialist; others have again tried to solve the problem at a stroke as it were by explaining away one or the other term giving rise to materialism of the Chârvâka School or Subjective idealism of the Buddhist School. As materialism ultimately fails to evolve this world and all thought out of matter or material forces, so subjective idealism fails in showing that the whole objective world is but a phantasm of the heated brain. We won't speak of the rigid dualistic theory as it obviously fails to explain knowledge owing to its own inherent inconsistency of thought as revealed in its presupposition that the constituent elements of knowledge stand in hard opposition and cannot be reconciled. Now if we try to account for this failure in solving the problem of mind and matter, we will find no doubt that its main cause lies in