Vishvakarman 2 is the presiding deity of all craftsmen and architects
• Manyu 2 Manyu is also known as mainyu in the Zorastrian religion. In ancient Persian
mythology, Spenta Mainyu ("holy spirit") is the god of life and the personification of the good and the light. He is the twin brother of Angra Mainyu (Ahriman), the god of darkness, with whom he fights an eternal battle. Kapinjala (the Heathcock, a form of Indra) 2
Minor deities (one single or no dedicated hymn)
Manas (Thought), prominent concept, deified in 10.58 Dakshina (Reward), prominent concept, deified in 10.107 Jnanam (Knowledge), prominent concept, deified in 10.71 Purusha ("Cosmic Man" of the Purusha sukta 10.90) Aditi Bhaga Vasukra Atri Apam Napat Ksetrapati Ghrta Nirrti Asamati Urvasi Pururavas Vena Aranyani Mayabheda Tarksya Tvastar Saranyu