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body. If you call God without a body, He will be found incompetent to do any. thing. Just as the vacuum of the sky is without any maker, so God either with or without body cannot be proved as associated with the effects of the world. Besides your argument is not all comprehen sive in asmuch as you admit that there is no intelligent author of such effects as lightning, clouds, rainbow &c. Your argu. ment vitiated as it is, does not prove that an intelligent God is the creator of the world. The statement that the whole world is the work of God is not tenable, for, there is no evidence to prove that God is the creator of the world.
Q. -Evidence proving God to be the creator
of the world is of the character of nuinfer. ence. One who dispenses fruits to beings according to their actions must be an intelligent judge. Tools such as an axe or a saw gradually cut a piece of wood into two under the supervision of an artizan, so do the good or evil consequences of actions take effect under the direction