( 48 ) universe is the transformation of the Supreme spirit. The universe thus being the form of the Supreme spirit, what objection is there that God is the creator of the universe ? A.-You are certainly the prince of atheists.
Do you at all consider what you say ? Your statement shows your position to be atheistic. When the world is the transformation of the Supreme Being, then there are no such things as a sinner, a virtuous man, a sage, a fool, the heaven or the hell, a good man, or a thief, truthful or untruthful scriptures &c. &c. From this point of view there is no difference between a beef eater and a corn eater, no difference between an act of sexual intercourse with one's wife and that with one's other relatives, no difference between an ascetic and an ass, because when God is the material cause of all things, the whole world is of one essence and form as there nothing else.