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the phenomena. It therefore proves its object.
A.-0 ! friend your statement makes your argument really false. All the fallacies pointed out in connection with the unreality of the phenomena, would again arise here. If you argue that you do not consider your reasoning separate from the phenomena, your reasoning is certainly unreal like the phenomena and it cannot prove its point. What has been explained before does not prove the phenomena to be unreal, they are real like souls and your position that only one Brahma without a second is real and all else false, falls to the ground.
Q. It is declared in the Upanishads as well as stated by Anandagiri, the disciple of Shankara Swami in the third chapter of the “Shankara - dig-vijaya " that the Supreme spirit is the material cause of the universe. The material cause is that which transforms itself into effect. This shows that whatever there is in the