Happy Sermons (Mr. Jaibhagawan Jain)
Obeisance 1. I bow to the all knowing Lord,
By total extinction of all flaws, Who shone forth into purest glow, And payed for all, salvation path.
God and Self 2. God is self and self is God,
Both are one like ore and gold, The difference lies in their modes, The pure is one, the other impure. As ore transforms into gold, When released from foreign things, So self does evolve into God, When released from matter's strings. Self is gripped by foreign matter, When tinged with egotistic trends, And gets relieved from its meshes, When filled with vision of cosmic rhythm. To fill the self with cosmic rhythm, It needs a change of inner heart, Such as to shine coal in jewel, It needs a change in atomic form. With broader outlook of the life, Greater and greater grows the soul,