Many a men, courageous and mighty, Who gained over all the three worlds a victory, Proved ultimately, absolutely unable To conquer their own minds - feeble, unstable; Thus conquest of the earth, heaven and hell, When compared to victory over one's 'self', Is petty and inconsequential, alas! Like the conquest of a blade of grass. 28 No 'meditation' is ever, more refined Than complete 'immersion and merger' of mind; No 'knowledge' can ever be deemed superior To constant reflection on "truth' and its nature. No worldly joy can stand comparison To joy that is obtained on 'self-absorption'; These three are the sap, the sublime essence, Of all material and mundane existence. The 29 All eight enormous spiritual powers, Rarely attainable in this universe, Medicine enhancing life-longevity, Magical ointments and metallurgy, ... All contemplation and all incantations, Self-absorption and meditative exertions, Seem like poison, undersirable and deadly, Once one's mind is filled with ecstasy. 30 Ignorant of the true, inherent essence Of all substances found in existence, Driven by anxiety and by wrong notions, By sensual cravings and agitations,