હૃદયપ્રદીપ Folks are thus seen to be following always, Several religious and righteous ways, When such chaos is widely prevalent, How can one win universal assent? His kingdom is kingdom in reality, His wealth is a symbol of true prosperity, His penance as penance is valid and true His arts and his skills are successful too Whose mind is at peace on their possession And perpetual calm crowns his intention Without this peace, this tranquillity, What holds any value or validity? What difference it makes if the world is unkind To him, who has peace for ever in his mind? Can pleasure and praise of all kith and kin Please him, who is always burning from within? Yogis, the seekers of the ultimate union, Serene and aloof of the world's opinion, Nurture for none, any worldly affection, And neither do hurtle harm on anyone. One goes to hell or to heaven alone, Depending on sinful or sacred seeds sown, And having dissolved all deposits of deeds To realm of freedom, all alone he proceeds, No joy can be found in worldly togetherness, No being can grant the other happiness; A holy being who understands this, Celebrates in solitude his eternal bliss.