હૃદયપ્રદીપ Are seen to be enjoying worldly happiness, What wonder is it then, if you too possess? 17 Root causes for instincts of hunger and thirst, And passions like anger and instinct for lust, Such worldly objects that always do allure, And fan inner fires, are deemed as a cure By beings blindfolded and bound by ignorance; But supreme sages shun them from a distance, Knowing that they are contingent, transient, And are on human endeavour dependant. 18 A hermit who holds in his heart hidingly A hope for riches, which are worldly, unholy, .. A man in the mask of a mendicant who Desires sensual pleasures all through, One who possesses all symbols of sainthood, But favours the flavours of forbidden food Is indeed the picture of great irony, His monkhood is world's most
mindless mockery. 19 He who ceaselessly and subconsciously, Longs for all kinds of sensual revelry, And outwardly unties all worldly strings And yet to innermost craving who clings. He, who is in fact 'hypocrisy-in-person', A cheat in the garb of holy human, Is in essence just a world-entertainer, And neither a 'seeker' of self nor 'attainer'. 20