934 'Self-meditation', as also 'penance', 'Knowledge and attainment of 'real essence' Are all burnt to ashes instantaneously, Collectively, completely and very cunningly, By ‘Kama', the God of sensual longing, Oft cleverly disguised as a beautiful earthling. 14 Delusion - man's most mighty enemy, With all of its force and all its fury, Destroys his knowledge, all his inner light', His power to seperate the 'wrong' from the 'right'. Having been overcome by such a delusion, The world turns blind to self-destruction, But one's delusion disappears suddenly On knowledge of the essential reality. Always, everywhere, all activity, And all endeavour of humanity, Is for destruction of worldly distress, And for the purpose of gaining happiness. Yet, it is seen that there is no end, To unhappiness found around every bend, No one, anywhere, is ever able To obtain happiness lasting and stable. 16 Going through cycles of mundane existence, Which mortal does never come to experience Sensual, worldly pleasures - unreal, Unlasting, unnatural and incidental. All beings - whatever their spiritual stature, The lowest of lowly and the mediocre,