Aren't the poorest of poor seen to rise, To wealth that well-nigh touches the skies? Not wealth, but the thirst for wealth is really The cause of all the human misery. Shun this thirst, this excessive greed,
And find yourself, from all miseries freed.
To be subjected to mundane existence, Is greatest of all grave worldly afflictions, There is no better, no surer cure Than 'right reflection': 'truthful' and 'pure'. Hence, for the purpose of complete destruction Of all the agony of this affliction,
I here do suggest the right remedy,
As spelt by the scriptures, true and holy.
One who upholds in his conviction, The transient nature of all creation,
And has with his guru's gracious blessings Firm faith in the intrinsic 'truth' of all things. Wherever he lives, he lives happily,
In the midst of men or in woodlands lonely, But he who holds no faith or conviction Is followed everywhere by inner agitation. Lost in the darkness of self-delusion, Tortured by ignorance and infatuation, Seeking an escape from worldly agony, Man wanders, and wanders all over; aimlessly,
Until the sun of discerning vision
Rises and shines on his inner horizon